Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some Family Pictures

I am so happy with how these turned out. I was not really "feeling" getting pictures done being super prego, but I am so glad that I did! Thanks again Aimee!


No our Gauge is not here yet but on Friday (February 6th) I was able to have another ultrasound. (to monitor growth) I have never had an ultrasound this far along ... it was really cool. I think he is going to be quite a cutie if I don't say so myself. I hope his cheeks are as fat as they look in this picture. The ultrasound tech said that according to the measurements he weights 8lbs 2oz ... our little over achiever!
It is still not real to me that he could come at anytime ... even though I saw the ultrasound and could see that he could be ready ... definitely big enough (the doctor said especially around the belly)
Baby watch is on ... we will keep you posted!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just Funny!

Ever feel this way?

I have to laugh and then agree .... what is with people when you are pregnant?
I have to say it doesn't bother me to have people (I know) touch my belly. But here is what any day out of the house brings me these days.
complete stranger: when are you due?
Me: March 1st
complete stranger: OH! are you sure
Me: smile and nod and walk away
complete stranger: oh ready to pop any day
Me: no actually I have (fill in the blank) weeks left
complete stranger: Oh twins?
Me: no just one
complete stranger: WOW!
So with 3 1/2 weeks left until my due date
(most likely I will be induced right after valentines day)
You can see why a girl would want to become a hermit and never come out of her house .... especially because I get these comments from 5 months on. But I have a life .... so I wont ... so just deal with the BIG BELLY!

Yes I am one of THOSE people!

So a week or so ago I was "in town" as anything not in Queen Creek is considered in town, and just happened to be close to Pete's ... which I love so much .... I had to laugh at myself as I ordered.
A monster burger (1/3 lb meat) with cheese ... No onions
Onion Rings (but you just ordered no onions)
an extra large diet pepsi (theirs is the best) ... because you know every calorie counts :)