Monday, November 2, 2009

I need some duct tape!

So Gaugie boy no loner feels the need to sit or crawl ... unless it is over to something to help him stand up! He is going to have wheels before we know it ... and I am not sure I am ready for that! He is only 81/2 months old ... These are all the times I caught him ... just TODAY ... but of coarse he gets away with it when he gives me his sweet smile ... he is such a Joy!

When I got him from his nap

When I was helping the "big kids" with homework

and when I was loading the dishwasher

Can you tell that he knows he is the coolest ever when he is standing up like a "big boy"?

1 comment:

Michelle McClure said...

That chunky little stinker! He's gonna walk before Knox! Oh well, maybe he can give him some lessons when/if he does!