I like to think that I am a kid at heart. It is pretty evident that I am getting older. 3 years from 30 and I am starting to realize my body cannot do what it used to.
One of the thing I love to do is play video games.(I wish I had more time to do it) On Saturday night my brothers came over from night of video games.
We started off the night with one of the best games ever created "Guitar Hero 3". This is the first opportunity my body had to give out on me.... about 2-3 hours into playing.... my hand from all the ROCKING started to cramp up on me. Now don't worry...the show did go on. I could not let my electronic fans down....It is just too bad that Marcus completely destroys me...he is amazing.
We then transitioned to Halo 3. This again is one of the funnest games that I have had the pleasure to put in my Xbox 360. There is nothing better than blowing things up and destroying my brothers hopes and dreams one melay at a time. It usually takes me a few games to warm up and get into a groove... Well I was starting to feel good about my game so I made a challenge to my brothers. Whoever got the least amount of kills had to chug the nastiest mineral water ever that Marcus had purchased previously that night.
So long story short....I got my butt kicked. I chugged this carbonated nightmare and thus began the second opportunity for my body to let me down. Cue the stomach pain and the having to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes...it makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it.
We ended up playing until about 4:30 this morning. Third way my body let me down....I have been absolutely exhausted today and at one point passed out so hard Christine tried to do give me CPR...jk.
All in all it was one of best times I have had in a long time... no matter how I feel today and the fact that I had to type this blog with one hand...I will do it all over again!!!
i must say marcus rocks.
i must also say you are old.
You kill me. And I am only a year behind you, big brother. That means I am old too. Just think....when you get old, you are allowed to fart all you want in public and act oblivious because no one wants to tell the old man that his farts stink.
I told you you didn't have to drink it! And how many times have I said you can't beat me in any contest besides one of physical strength? No bueno, chancho.
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