Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Last Night (New Years Eve) marked the 11th New Years kiss that Eric and I have shared. It was the 11th anniversary of our FIRST KISS!
This March we will have our 7th wedding anniversary!
Our relationship has never been perfect. There are always things that we need to work on (mostly me!) I would not change it for Anything!
Eric you are the BEST! Even when you drive me crazy. I could not have wished for a more loving or supportive husband. You are Amazing! You are funnier than I let you think you are. You rock at singing on Rock Band! You are a Fantastic father! Definitely the "cool" dad.
I am so glad that 11 years ago I let you kiss me!
Here is to many more New Years kisses!


Unknown said...

I will always remember your sassy quote- "Are you asking me, or telling me?"

Michelle Bebe said...

awww...how romantical!